Why crying is necessary?

Rishika Dange
2 min readNov 6, 2020


Every entity in this universe has a past. We often count a person as weird or strange if they don’t match the thinking standards of the society in our perspective. But the fact is that all our current feelings, our personality traits, our current behavior and everything that we are today was actually shaped by the past events that we have been through. Early childhood memories are the source from which children start to form their beliefs about the world. And these are the beliefs that form the foundation of our adulthood.

All the experiences that we have been through as a child are dramatically impacting our life right now, even the ones that might seem irrelevant or insignificant.

Nobody has got a perfect life. No two people can have the same set of problems. No two individuals deal with the same pain. No two friends will necessarily have the same interests. Infact, not even the twins lead the same life. You just can’t compare yourself with anyone in this world as no one else has seen the same journey that you have.

Its always our own problems that become the biggest hurdles for us. No matter how affectionately you sympathize someone with their troubles, their issues will always be smaller for you as compared to your own. It’s like a bowl of rice as a part of dinner might be an option for you, but for a beggar on a footpath, that rice bowl means the ultimate God’s grace.

Its perfectly fine to get hurt. It’s perfectly fine to cry. We our humans, not robots without feelings. Remember, crying doesn’t mean you are weak. It means you’ve been strong for a very long time and now grown even stronger to burst open and let yourself feel instead of hiding and escaping from your true self. Tears are important in helping to get out of moments of intense feeling without injury. Crying, especially when feeling down, shouldn’t embarrass you. You don’t have to be ashamed for being sensitive, because every person is sensitive. Just that its for different things and different situations which might not match with yours. It’s because no one knows your story better than you that you cant expect people to understand you completely or exactly the way you do. They cant, no matter how hard they try, no one can, except you yourself. No one else but you can understand yourself the best. And thus only you can heal yourself. The universe that you’ve created for yourself lies inside you and just you. No one except you can flip that universe for your inner peace and mental stability.. Read more



Rishika Dange

Aerospace Geek (Astronautics). Thinker. Explorer. Space science and Astronomy enthusiast. Blogger. Lover. Reflecting the Higher Self ‘Spiritually’